
Course Information

Blank Course Template (Blank Template)

Term: 2020-2021 School Year Spring Term


Tylon Vinh-Anthony Vuong
Email address is hidden, click here to email

Welcome to my infocard! 

Students: My office hours are by appointment.  I will also be in the classroom early and leave late every class, so there will be ample time to chat if you have any questions.  Class time time I've dedicated to YOU so don't hesitate to ask in class!

Other Faculty: I'm always open to guest-lecture or collaborate cross-disciplinarily.  Creative problem solving comes from critical thinking and applying known/practiced/newly-learned mental processes in novel situations. I'm happy to work together to teach students how to think creatively, there is no such things as wasted knowledge!

Administrators: Whatever form I did not do correctly that has you looking at my infocard, I'm sorry.  I swear it was probably a misunderstanding...
