
Course Information

Constitutional Law (LE 113)

Term: 2020-2021 School Year Spring Term


Keith Edwin Allenstein Jr.
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If you need to reach me regarding any subject, please contact me via my Southeast Tech email address.  If it is short notice, feel free to contact me at 605-360-1096.


Current Employment

Assistant City Attorney

Police and Fire Legal Advisor



B.S. Criminal Justice, University of South Dakota

J.D.  University of Nebraska College of Law


Mon, 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM (1/11/2021 - 4/23/2021) Location: SF SULLI 255


Begins with an examination of the United States Supreme Court's origins, its jurisdiction, its powers of judicial review and its adherence (or not) to precedent. Concentrates on the first ten amendments to the US Constitution (the Bill of Rights), with particular attention paid to which amendments impact, directly and circumstantially, the criminal justice system. Concludes with a survey of the SD Constitution, of the interplay between it and the US Constitution and of specific cases defining states' rights. Prerequisite: LE 105, SOC 107