
Course Information

Phys Fit Nutr Wellness (LE 108)

Term: 2019-2020 School Year Fall Term


Tonya Schoenfelder
Email address is hidden, click here to email

Office Hours:

  • Tuesday at 10:30
  • Thursday at 12:30
  • By appointment 

Educational Background:

  • B.S. Sociology, Personnel Management, South Dakota State University
  • M.S. Exercise Physiology, South Dakota State University 



Tue, 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM (8/26/2019 - 12/13/2019) Location: SF SULLI 135


Introduces the student to the importance of fitness, nutrition and wellness for the modern law enforcement professional. The course includes involving the students in developing a fitness routine, examining their nutritional intake and time for physical activity that will prepare them for passing the program's fitness test.