
Course Information

Advanced LINUX (CIS 260)

Term: 2024-2025 School Year Fall Term


Mr. Todd T Wohlwend
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Monday-Thursday 8:30AM-9:00AM and 12:30PM-1:00PM

Friday 10:00AM-11:00AM online (Teams)

Contact Information:

Phone - (605)367-5562

Email -

STC Instructor BIO

B. Todd Wohlwend, Computer Information Systems Networking Instructor, has 30+ years of professional computer experience that includes desktop, network administration, system administration, and general computer security support.  He has earned Bachelors and Masters degrees at South Dakota State University.  He also holds several computer related certifications such as Network+, RHCT, RHCSA, Unifi and CNA.  As an instructor, Todd teaches many introductory and upper level CIS classes at Southeast Technical College which include, Windows Server, Linux Administration, Wireless Data Communications, Server Virtualization, System and Network Security, and Internet Systems Scripting.  He is a skilled network and systems administration professional who specializes in keeping up on current and future computing technologies.

STC Position:

CIS System and Network Security Instructor


BAEET - Bachelors in Electronic Engineering Technology

MSIM - Masters in Industrial Management


RHCT - Red Hat Certified Technician

Network+ - CompTIA Network+

RHCSA - Red Hat Certified System Administrator

Unifi - A multitude of Ubiquiti/Unifi certifications


Tue-Thu, 1:00 PM - 3:20 PM (8/26/2024 - 12/13/2024) Location: SF TECH 119


This course will expand on the introduction to Linux class. Much of the class will focus on Linux from the network administration side. It will include the following topics: Linux Server configuration, CUPS printing solution, advanced command line utilization, firewall, Apache web server, FTP server, Samba file sharing, NFS file sharing, Sendmail email server, BIND DNS server, and MariaDB database (MYSQL). Prerequisite: CIS 160